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The Forum, Montreal

The Forum, Montreal

The size of this crowd exceeded that of a Stanley Cup hockey match, the "choice" seats being located on the playing field. Mantovani toured North America for fifteen consecutive years, performing approximately thirty-five to forty concerts per tour.


In Minneapolis one year, when the maestro was taken ill, and his concert had to be cancelled, the audience of five thousand was offered back its ticket money or, if it wished, could choose to hold its tickets for a scheduled concert the following year.  Not one person asked for a refund.

Mantovani - A Lifetime in Music

Mantovani - A Lifetime in Music

Written and researched by Colin Mackenzie, published by Melrose Books – please apply for copies via our email address at:-


Meticulously researched, "Mantovani - A Lifetime In Music" covers Mantovani's entire musical career from 1921 to 1975 and will interest all light music devotees and students of 20th century popular music.


This book has been written in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Mantovani's birth on the 15th November 1905.

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